Google AdWords – How to Achieve Success Through Failure

If you are involved in Internet marketing to any degree, you have probably tried advertising through Google AdWords at one time or another. AdWords offers a number of advantages over other types of advertising – you get fast results, you get potentially huge exposure, and you can occasionally get your advertising for a reasonable price. The downsides can be serious, however; you can easily spend a fortune without it leading to any sales. For that reason, a lot of people have simply given up, convinced that it just isn’t possible to make money using Google.Will Haimerl is just such a person. He claims to be a “Super Failure” and says that he has spent more than $100,000 trying to figure out how to make AdWords work profitably for him. A lot of people give up after spending just a few hundred dollars on Google advertising, so a six figure loss represents a lot of lessons from the “school of hard knocks.” Will claims to have learned a lot from his experience, and he’s now written a book about what not to do when you set up a Google advertising campaign.The new book, “How to Guarantee Failure Using AdWords” offers an extensive guide to setting up a profitable advertising campaign with Google by showing you exactly what you should not do. Will has compiled a list of some fifty mistakes that advertisers make so that you won’t fall into the same traps as everyone else. Some of these mistakes are obvious, but some are so subtle that you might easily miss them. By offering a “how to” on what not to do, Will is offering you a chance to succeed.Google suggests to advertisers that testing is the key to success, but they offer little in the way of advice. That, Will says, is because Google profits from your testing whether you succeed or fail. The less you have to test, the better off you will be, and the more money you save. Money you save goes straight to your bottom line in the form of profit, so while this isn’t really a book about making money per se, it can have a serious affect on your finances.Google AdWords is one of the best, fastest, and most cost-effective ways to advertise on the Internet, provided that you know what to do and what to avoid. “How to Guarantee Failure Using AdWords” offers a terrific guide to helping you avoid the mistakes so that your ad campaigns can quickly become profitable. Since money you don’t lose is money in your pocket, it makes sense and cents to give this book a read.