There are multiple reasons why exclusive listings are the order of the day when sellers have homes for sale these days, and the Multiple Listing Service is just one of them.Creating the opportunity to have your real estate viewed by hundreds of agents can increase the chances of selling your property quickly and for the best price.Having your property listed on the Multiple List Service helps ensure maximum exposure to other agents and to those in the market to purchase a home.Statistics shows that, the only way to get your home on the MLS is to list it exclusively with a licensed Real Estate Association agent. Once your property is listed on the MLS, it will be exposed to the public at large, as well as more than 200 other licensed real estate agents in the certain areas.”When first introduced in the territory, this list could be viewed only by licensed real estate agents. That has since changed and now the general public can use the site to view properties and educate themselves on the market.In addition, exclusive listings for properties have become the trend for other reasons.some realtors believe that it is better for one agent at a time to represent a listing. By doing this, the seller will get the exposure of all of the other 200-plus real estate agents, but will have one sole person who will take the responsibility for the house showings, feedback, offers, etc.”When a home seller enters into an exclusive listing, they put that Realtor to work for them. They are guaranteed that their Realtor will represent them from the time the home or property is listed, until the day it is sold and that the Realtor will negotiate on the seller’s behalf to get the highest price.There are benefits for buyers, as well.Multiple showings are not necessary and there is no doubling up in property showings. Working with just one Realtor also gives that Realtor an opportunity to get to know the client’s wants and needs and avoid wasting their time showing properties that don’t align with the client’s checklist of features they want in their next home.A Realtor provides useful information to their clients regarding property values, neighborhood, market conditions and obvious physical defects.-end-